How to Claim
Settle with your Vet
Settle with your Vet
Click here to download a Claim Form, which you and your Vet need to complete.
Fill in all the Claim details
Send us the paperwork
Important information:
- Your completed claim form
- A copy of a detailed invoice from your vet
- Your pet’s medical history will be requested from your vet pertaining to the current claim
- If this is your first claim, we will request a full clinical history of your pet from your vet/s
In order to be reimbursed, you must report your claim within 30 days of the incident, You, and not the vet, will be reimbursed for the amount owing less the excess. If you do not disclose all you know about your pet we have the right to reduce or deny your claim or even cancel your policy.
If a claim is as a result of a third party we may pursue legal action against this party in your name which will require your full co-operation. If we decline liability/repudiate a claim made in terms of this policy it is within your right to submit a complaint to us in writing within 90 days of our rejection letter and follow our complaints procedure from hereon.
Policy details, Exclusions and more…
Qualifications for Cover
In order for your pet to qualify for Kido Pet Insurance your pet must be:
- In sound health and free from injury, disability, disease, congenital or hereditary conditions. If not these will be considered pre-existing and automatically excluded from cover.
- Over the age of 8 weeks
- Vaccinated by a veterinarian within the last 12 months with booster vaccinations kept up to date
- Dog vaccinations include: Parvovirus, Distemper, Adenovirus, Coronavirus, Canine Infectious Hepatitis & Rabies. Bordetella 2 weeks prior to your dog being boarded. Leptospirosis must be included on their next annual vaccination if not already vaccinated for.
- Cat vaccinations include: Feline panleukopaenia, Calicivirus, Chlamydia, Feline respiratory complex & Rabies. Feline Leukaemia Virus must be included on their next annual vaccination if not already vaccinated for.
- Living with you, the sole owner, at the risk address specified
General Conditions
- Your pet is only covered within South African borders
- If your pet is injured or should fall ill you must take all reasonable steps to facilitate prompt treatment by a vet. You should also practise responsible ownership by continuing treatment at home if necessary and as specified by your vet. This is to minimise complications and prevent recurrence of the original condition.
- We only cover services rendered and supervised by a qualified veterinarian. The veterinarian and vet practice must be registered with the South African Veterinary Council.
- If your pet needs to see a Specialist Veterinarian this must be accompanied by a referral letter from your day-to-day Veterinarian. If there is no referral letter then the average day-to-day veterinary fees for that area will be applied in place of the specialist fees.
- Conditions that turn out to be classified as a chronic condition will be covered for the first eight (8) weeks of diagnosis and treatment. Thereafter these conditions will not be covered, unless you have the Yapp Cover Extension.
- All growths and cancers will be classified into the same general chronic condition. If they are diagnosed individually by a clinical pathologist they will be registered as separate chronic conditions.
- Basic waiting period to apply from date of policy inception and / or the addition of a pet to the Family Care product is: thirty (30) days for all Illnesses and no waiting period for Accidents. Please refer to our Policy Wordings for waiting periods for specific conditions.
- Excess to apply: 15% of claim minimum R250-00 for the first invoice and 15% thereafter.
- If you opt into our Premium Party Pack you will receive a 10% discount on your premium with a flat excess of R1 000 OR a 20% discount on your premium with a flat excess of R2 000 to apply. There is a 3 month notice period when opting in or out of this.
- A Vet Whizz Fee will be added to your monthly premium for an amount of R11.50 per plan.
- Premiums will be reassessed on an annual basis upon renewal, taking into account inflation and your claims history. Or more frequently if you are a multiclaimant. A 30 day notice period will be given upon increased or decreased premiums to apply.
- If, when you claim, there is any other insurance under which you are entitled to an indemnity, we will only pay a proportionate share of the claim. You must tell us the name and address of the other insurance company and your policy number with them.
Kido Pet reserves the right to change, remove, update or add to our Policy Wordings and Plans from time to time. We will give you a thirty day notice period on any amendments.
- Pre-existing conditions and any illness or accident which is as a result of a pre-existing condition, unless you have the Yapp Cover Extension. This includes any incidents that occur during the applicable waiting periods.
- Routine care of your pet, unless you have the Kido Pet Perks Extension
- Any disease that can be vaccinated against and vaccination is a prerequisite for cover where a vaccination history does not exist or vaccinations have not been kept up to date
- If your Veterinarian finds nothing wrong with your pet only 25% of the Total Claimable Amount will be covered
- All dental treatments that are not Accident related, unless you have the Kido Pet Perks Extension
- Over the counter medication used for the treatment of an acute and / or chronic condition will be covered for up to 50% of the first single dose dispensed per claim
- Elective and cosmetic procedures and any complications arising thereof
- Conditions and/or treatment relating to reproduction or as a result of reproduction
- Diagnosis and treatment of conditions effecting the reproductive system if your pet was not sterilised before the age of 3 years
- Any claims due to the ingestion/chewing of bones when wilfully given to your pet
- Costs related to the treatment of a condition that has a similar treatment to a condition already excluded from cover
- The cost of physiotherapy, unless you have the Yapp Cover Extension
- Costs related to the treatment of a condition with similar treatment to a condition already excluded from cover
- Pre-anaesthetic bloods for pets under 8 years of age and suffering from no illnesses covered in terms of the Policy Wordings
- Home visit from your vet including travel expenses
- Normal rates will apply if your pet is seen during emergency hours for conditions that are not deemed an emergency. This includes any cover under the Kido Pet Perks Extension.
- Transplant treatment & surgery. Prosthetics or replacements.
- Voluntary euthanasia of a healthy pet.
- Euthanasia with cremation is limited to R1 500.00 per pet, each with a limit of R750.
- Treatment for behaviour modification including training
- Any costs related to the daily running of the Veterinarian Practice eg. PPE equipment, waste disposal etc.
- Treatment for any new pandemic disease or non-endemic disease
- Any illness or injury resulting from the owners wilful injury or gross negligence
- Genetic or chromosome testing
- Pets that are used for Commercial purposes. This includes but are not limited to the following: police/guard/security work, customs, quarantine, racing, betting, research, commercial breeding, leased/rented out. Search & Rescue dogs, which are not used as police/guard/security dogs, will be covered.
- Any costs related to the daily running of a Veterinarian Practice eg. PPE equipment, waste disposal etc.
- Claims that are not reported within the required 30 day period from the original date of loss
- Boarding or transport. Theft, straying, advertising and rewards.
- Claims arising from the infringement of any South African by-laws in accordance with the Local Government : Municipal Systems Act (32 of 2000) and referring to “Prohibited behaviour in respect of dogs”
- We do not compensate you for fraud, dishonesty, or any non-disclosure or misrepresentation of information by yourself
- Any claims due to war activities, riots, strikes or terrorism
Paying your Premiums
- Your pet is only covered for veterinary expenses if you are up to date with payment of your premiums.
- Your premium will be debited from your account on a monthly basis for which you will have given us authorisation upon activation of your policy.
- If your banking details change it is your responsibility to inform us of this in writing by the 15th of the month.
Cancelling your Cover
- If you wish to cancel your policy please send us cancellation in writing including the last day of the month you wish your policy to be cancelled on.
- There is a minimum 1 month cancellation notice period
- If you do not pay your premium for 2 consecutive months, deliberately withhold information from us, blatantly lie, attempt or knowingly participate in a fraudulent claim we have the right to cancel your policy without notice.
- We have the right to cancel your policy with a thirty day notice period.
Contact the Ombudsman for Short Term Insurance
PO Box 32334, Braamfontein, 2017
Tel: 011 726 8900
Fax: 011 726 5501
Any Questions?